Setbacks are opportunities in disguise with this simple tweak in our mindset.

and congratulations on advancing in your journey to greatness.

Omar Youssef
2 min readMay 23, 2021
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

All of us know setbacks are just part of life, and when faced with a setback, the experience is generally unpleasant.

But does it have to be?

I don’t think so.

And it doesn’t take much to change how we view setbacks and hence make those moments work for us instead of slow down our progress.

All it takes is to allow ourselves some space to also consider another perspective. It’s that simple.

It can be easy to get stuck ruminating on the past and only thinking about what went wrong during these moments. What I suggest we also consider doing is taking a step back to give ourselves space to consider an alternate perspective, which is, seeing them as an opportunity for growth.

You will never be the same person again after going through this experience. You’ve learned, you’ve grown, and you’ve become wiser. View the setback as an opportunity to extract lessons learned from the experience. Moments that allowed steps forward in our journey to becoming a better person. Moments we celebrate.

Setbacks are simply opportunities for us to be better.

So, the next time you face a setback, your first thought should be this simple question, “What did I learn from this experience?”, “How am I a better person after going through this experience?”

Be honest with yourself. If you’ve made mistakes, admit to them and, if possible, rectify your wrongdoings. Make a commitment to yourself that you will try not to do the same mistakes again. Ask yourself, “Where did I go wrong?” “How will I try to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes again?”

And then learn and move on. That’s it. It’s that simple.

All of us know setbacks are just a part of life. I would argue they are a significant part of all of our lives. So why not change our perspectives on how we view setbacks. Who knows, maybe in doing so we are also helping ourselves become better people.

Welcome setbacks and never stop learning.

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Thank you! See you next time!



Omar Youssef

Writing is interesting, so I write about interesting things.