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All of Us Share this Superpower.

Our ability to communicate.

Omar Youssef
3 min readOct 27, 2020


All of us will experience life differently. We learn different lessons, face different challenges, and experience different events. If our life experiences shape the person we become, it’s easy to undertand why all of us are unique. There’s beauty in those differences, along with a superpower that comes with this uniqueness.

Our experiences shape the way we think, talk, love, laugh, and so much more. Our unique circumstances shapes who we are and the person we become. Because of this, each person will have a unique outlook on life and a different way of approaching it. Resulting in each one of us having different careers, interests, hobbies, and so on.

I think it is in our uniqueness that we can begin to fully appreciate life.

When you think about it, whenever we interact with another person, what we are really doing is sharing our uniqueness. We are transferring the distinct knowledge that we’ve accumulated from our past experiences to the person we are communicating with, so they can benefit in some way.

Point 1: Learning and sharing are central to everything we do.

When we dig a bit deeper, we being to realize that almost everything we do is some form of communication. Whether it’s an entrepreneur communicating a revolutionary new idea, or a scientist communicating findings from new research, or a medical doctor communicating life-saving knowledge with their patients, or an office manager communicating to motivate and encourage their team, or an artist evoking a certain feeling from h/er fans through their art. Ultimately, almost everything we do is some form of communication.

Point 2: Communication comes in a variety of forms

Furthermore, as we appreciate the power of communication from the previous point, we also begin to realize that what is perhaps even more powerful is communication can be done in a variety of ways. Some people may choose writing as their form of communication, some may choose to craft, design, draw, sing, invent, create…in all of these forms of communication, the common denominator is that there is always a transfer of knowledge taking place, and it’s always taking place by some form of communication, from the many that are available to us.

Point 3: The opportunities to connect are endless, and now easy

Now, if you think about the number of people we can interact with, especially now in this digital age we’re living in, opportunities to share our thoughts and connect with different people are almost endless.

Our ability to communicate is our superpower because it enables all of us to transfer our unique knowledge and information to others and from this transfer, we get new innovations, solutions and so much more.

I think that is one heck of a powerful ability.

Thank you for sticking around till the end. I hope you enjoyed this piece. If you did , and are feeling awesome, please consider giving me a clap and follow my page. Thanks in advance and see you next time!



Omar Youssef

Writing is interesting, so I write about interesting things.