3 Simple Rules to Make your Entrepreneurship Dream a Reality.

You must be honest, brave, and bold.

Omar Youssef
2 min readOct 27, 2020


After listening to many podcasts, and reading plenty of books on entrepreneurship, I always found three commonalities in the stories of all successful entrepreneurs. I’ve distilled them into three simple rules.

The 3 rules to remember to begin your entrepreneurship journey are...

Rule #1: Be Bold.

Entrepreneurs are always imagining new narratives. Reimagining the norms. Considering new possibilities, tinkering with the obvious to try and make it extraordinary. Entrepreneurs make our lives easier, simpler, more enjoyable. The underlying rule an entrepreneur must have to find success is simply being themselves. You must be confident and comfortable to add your personal flair to whatever it is you want to create.

Rule #2: Be Honest.

You will never accomplish rule number one if you’re don’t carefully think about this rule. As an entrepreneur, you must be brutally honest with yourself to identify what it is you are either good at or really enjoy doing. And it is only when you find this thing that you will begin to be able to bring your own twist to it and innovate in the capacity you chose. Remember, before you can deliver on your entrepreneurial dreams, you must become ultra clear on that thing that really moves you.

Rule #3: Be Brave.

Once you’ve worked through the first two rules, you can then move onto this third and final rule, taking action. No entrepreneur is ever shy or afraid to jump in with both feet even when they are not fully confident of success. As an entrepreneur, you must become very comfortable with uncertainty. Building incredible businesses take extreme courage, because failure is inevitable. Having the courage to take take action and the perseverance to keep going will lead you to entrepreneurship glory.

In Conclusion

Work is crucial to life. All of us need work. We crave working. It gives us meaning, and purpose. Work allows us to become productive; producing, learning, innovating, helping others, and so much more. When we work, we help the world progress.

And I don’t think there is a better way to help our world progress than by becoming an entrepreneur.

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Omar Youssef

Writing is interesting, so I write about interesting things.